
We are pleased to be working with Emirates Taste to provide healthy, delicious and balanced meals for our pupils. Emirates Taste uses high-quality ingredients to prepare fresh food for the pupils each day, with no artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, texture-altering chemicals, additives, trans-fats, GMO or preservatives.


The menu changes daily and rotates on a two-week cycle. You can learn more about Emirates Taste on their website:

There are also a variety of drinks, break-time snacks, sandwiches and salads available and these are charged individually.

There is also the Majlis and Café 6 where Senior pupils can purchase drinks, snacks, sandwiches and salads during morning break and lunchtime.


With Emirates Taste’s online payment platform, it's easy for parents to ‘top up’ their child’s account online and utilise features such as a daily spending allowance, auto-reminders when the card balance is low. Click here to see Emirates Taste regisration guide.